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Past Events

Workshop: Flash dryer innovations for cassava starch and flour at small scale

Sharing recent lessons learned on improving the efficiency of flash drying: Recent innovations in Flash Dryer technology Cassava processors’ experience ...

RTB webinar: Tapping into the genetic diversity of RTB crops in their hotspot’s areas for a more resilient food system

RTB crops (banana including plantains, cassava, potato, sweet potato, yams, and a rich array of “minor” root and tuber crops) ...

RTB Toolbox Workshop 2: Working with Root, Tuber and Banana Seed Systems

Root, tuber and banana crops are the foundation of tropical food security.  But their seed systems are complex and widely informal. The ...

Launch event: Toolbox for Working with Root, Tuber and Banana Seed Systems: Building a better seed future, together

Root, tuber and banana crops are the foundation of tropical food security.  But their seed systems are complex and widely informal ...

BASICS – Annual Review & Planning Meeting

African Potato Association 11th Triennial Conference

The African Potato Association (APA) local organising committee together with the Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture (MINAGRI) and the International Potato ...

BASICS – Annual Review & Planning Meeting

The four-year project is now in its last full year of implementation. After “Accelerate” and “Consolidate” themes of the last ...

RTB Workshop: Building an economically sustainable and integrated cassava seed system in Nigeria

27-28th April 2015- Ibadan, Nigeria. The RTB workshop on Building an economically sustainable and integrated cassava seed system in Nigeria ...

The 16th International Symposium of the International Society for Tuber & Root Crops (ISTRC) on Root Crops

The Roots and Tubers of Development and Climate Change-Tropical roots and tuber crops are essential to meeting global food security ...