Research Areas

The objective of Flagship project 1 (FP1) is to develop and apply leading-edge science toward faster and more precise development of user-demanded varieties, and to enhance the long-term conservation and use of genetic diversity. FP1 mobilizes various actors in the varietal improvement research landscape, connecting genetic diversity, biotechnology, breeding, and use, both technically and from socioeconomic perspectives.
Flagship project 2 (FP2) aims to make available good-quality planting materials of a diverse set of high-yielding RTB varieties that are adapted to the needs and preferences of different stakeholders in the value chain.
Flagship project 3 (FP3) aims to close yield gaps of RTB crops arising from biotic and abiotic threats and to develop more resilient production systems, thereby strengthening food security and improving natural resource quality. It will generate outcomes that directly target the needs of a diversity of household typologies, resulting in the transformation of the livelihoods of rural women, and build the basis for RTB cropping systems for the next generation of households.
The objective of Flagship project 4 (FP4) is to support the fuller, equitable, and sustainable utilization of RTB crops for healthier diets and improved income opportunities. The flagship harnesses the changing demand of consumers and other users of RTB crops as drivers of change that can positively transform production and utilization of RTB crops and increase their contributions to nutritious, profitable, and environmentally sustainable food systems.
Flagship project 5 (FP5) aims to improve livelihoods by scaling RTB solutions in agri-food systems. In many developing countries, RTB crops play a key role as part of diverse agri-food systems in contributing to enhanced resilience, improved farm productivity, food security, nutrition diversity, and income. FP5 provides support to next and end-users for scaling of RTB innovations from the farm to the community, the region, and beyond.