
World Bank book on Peruvian agriculture highlights native potato value chains

World Bank book on Peruvian agriculture highlights native potato value chains

A book on Peruvian agriculture recently published by the World Bank highlights the dynamism of the sector and its impressive ...
Increasing the resilience of roots, tubers & bananas

Increasing the resilience of roots, tubers & bananas

Given its focus on the resilience of root, tuber and banana crops, Flagship Project 3 (FP3) aims to incorporate environmental, ...
Nutritious foods and added value for health and wealth

Nutritious foods and added value for health and wealth

“It starts with the person who wants to eat affordable, safe, nutritious food,” says Simon Heck, the Mozambique-based sweetpotato project ...
The nuts and bolts of collaborative research on roots, tubers and bananas: RTB Annual Meeting

The nuts and bolts of collaborative research on roots, tubers and bananas: RTB Annual Meeting

As the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) kicks off Phase II, the team came together in ...
RTB-ENDURE banana project offers solutions for postharvest losses

RTB-ENDURE banana project offers solutions for postharvest losses

Researchers collaborating under the 'Expanding utilization of roots, tubers and bananas and reducing their postharvest losses' (RTB-ENDURE) banana sub-project have ...
RTB Impact Assessment team take stock of progress and plan for Phase II

RTB Impact Assessment team take stock of progress and plan for Phase II

Assessing the impact of the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas’ (RTB) research and development initiatives is a ...
What the success of orange-fleshed sweetpotato can teach us

What the success of orange-fleshed sweetpotato can teach us

By Graham Thiele, Program Director, CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas This has been a big year for ...
Improved potato variety ‘Qingshu 9’ a success story in China and beyond

Improved potato variety ‘Qingshu 9’ a success story in China and beyond

From the RTB 2015 Annual Report In their efforts to improve the food security and livelihoods of farmers around the world, ...
Root, tuber and banana breeding in Africa shows wide-scale adoption of improved varieties

Root, tuber and banana breeding in Africa shows wide-scale adoption of improved varieties

Crop breeding and the dissemination of improved varieties has been a cornerstone of research for development in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) ...
Understanding gender roles in Uganda’s potato and cooking banana value chains

Understanding gender roles in Uganda’s potato and cooking banana value chains

In Uganda, gender roles in production, processing and marketing of root, tuber and banana crops are complex. Key decisions on ...
Understanding potato seed degeneration to increase yields in Ecuador

Understanding potato seed degeneration to increase yields in Ecuador

The resilience of potato production systems in Andean countries heavily depends on seed quality. Under local conditions in Ecuador, the ...
Gender, breeding and genomics workshop - Open call for case studies

Gender, breeding and genomics workshop – Open call for case studies

You are invited to submit an abstract for a case study of plant or animal breeding that has successfully incorporated ...