
New manuals show how to extend shelf-life of cassava roots  to increase incomes & food security

New manuals show how to extend shelf-life of cassava roots to increase incomes & food security

Cassava is a key source of food and income in many developing countries in Africa. In sub-Saharan Africa, it is ...
'Carrier women' shoulder a heavy burden in the Democratic Republic of Congo

‘Carrier women’ shoulder a heavy burden in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Cassava is an RTB crop of key importance in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is often processed into flour ...
Accelerating Africa’s economic growth through root and tuber crops

Accelerating Africa’s economic growth through root and tuber crops

The 13th International Symposium for the International Society for Tropical Root Crops- Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB) has kicked off this week ...
RTB-ENDURE banana project offers solutions for postharvest losses

RTB-ENDURE banana project offers solutions for postharvest losses

Researchers collaborating under the 'Expanding utilization of roots, tubers and bananas and reducing their postharvest losses' (RTB-ENDURE) banana sub-project have ...
Nigeria’s gari revolution: improving efficiency and  equity of a staple food

Nigeria’s gari revolution: improving efficiency and equity of a staple food

Gari is a staple food for millions of West Africans, particularly in Nigeria where its production exceeds 9 million tons ...
Nutritious orange-fleshed sweetpotato snack can reduce waste, increase incomes

Nutritious orange-fleshed sweetpotato snack can reduce waste, increase incomes

The 10th Triennial African Potato Association Conference (October 9 - 13, 2016) brought together over 200 researchers, development practitioners, policy ...
What the success of orange-fleshed sweetpotato can teach us

What the success of orange-fleshed sweetpotato can teach us

By Graham Thiele, Program Director, CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas This has been a big year for ...
Improving cassava processing: less energy, higher efficiency and more stable prices

Improving cassava processing: less energy, higher efficiency and more stable prices

From the RTB 2015 Annual Report Much of the cassava grown in developing countries is processed to produce starch or flour ...
Listening to what women don't say

Listening to what women don’t say

The field work mentioned in this blog was part of the IITA led Cassava Monitoring Survey project, funded by institutions ...
Understanding gender roles in Uganda’s potato and cooking banana value chains

Understanding gender roles in Uganda’s potato and cooking banana value chains

In Uganda, gender roles in production, processing and marketing of root, tuber and banana crops are complex. Key decisions on ...
Competition calls for innovative packaging of cassava stems to increase sales

Competition calls for innovative packaging of cassava stems to increase sales

A new competition is calling for innovative packaging designs to sell bundles of high quality cassava stems in Nigeria. The ...
Transforming the value chain - one cooking banana at a time

Transforming the value chain – one cooking banana at a time

This is the first installment in a series of in-depth blogs investigating the ways in which the RTB-ENDURE project is ...