Removing gender bias in AR4D: A portal for gender-responsive agricultural research for development
Provide guidance on how to develop and use innovative ideas, critical questions and methods for gender-responsive agricultural research for development (AR4D).
Expected impact
The portal makes available a set of resources to help researchers advance towards gender equality, youth and social inclusion in all five One CGIAR impact areas. The portal’s core concepts of gender, power and social relations build on insights from RTB strategic gender research such as GENNOVATE to: promote equitable access to agricultural innovations; b) increase positive impact of innovations on gender equality; and c) ensure that the development of innovations and their assessment are informed by high quality and efficient gender research. This on-line resource base will contribute to the curation and development of research methods planned in the “Methods” module of the New GENDER Platform. It will support both gender and biophysical researchers in the design and implementation of a more gender-responsive AR4D agenda.
Stakeholders from the private sector (e.g. Syngenta), funders (e.g. USAID, ACIAR, DFID, GiZ), university researchers and students, and agricultural extension workers who have already expressed interest in using the resources will have a one-stop place to access this information.
Description of the portal
The portal includes different types of resources, including a revision of originally gender-blind approaches and new gender-responsive guiding materials developed in collaboration with teams working in different technical areas. These gender-responsive resources cover most of the themes across food systems such as breeding, participatory variety selection/evaluation, seed systems, pest and disease control, market chains, mechanization, scaling, and youth inclusion.
Examples of use
Some of the resources are being piloted in collaboration with the CGIAR Excellence in Breeding Platform (EiB) with the cassava, banana, sweetpotato and bean breeding programs. Other resources like those on gender-responsive scaling and inclusive value chain development have great potential to contribute to national and regional research and academic actors. Examples include a recent proposal from the Gender Platform that includes gender and breeding, and the interest of incorporating pest and disease findings.
Links to relevant blogs
Rural women are key for limiting crop pests and diseases
New portal for gender-responsive agricultural research for development
Global study guides agriculture towards gender equality
Breeding for Better Gender Equity
Contact persons
Vivian Polar:
Nozomi Kawarazuka: