In April 2013, 34 banana scientists from Bioversity International, the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and national banana programs in Latin America, Africa, and Asia were convened in a four-day expert workshop in Kampala, Uganda.
Participants reviewed the priority assessment methodology and results of the expert survey, selected research options to be included in the assessment, and worked in groups on the parameters for the calculation of returns to research investment. Furthermore, working groups were formed to start the elicitation of parameters required for the assessment.
The following nine priority banana research options were identified:
1 | Recovery of smallholder banana production affected by banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) |
2 | Integrated management of Xanthomonas wilt (BXW) and other bacterial diseases in smallholder systems |
3 | Sustainable intensification of banana-based cropping systems |
4 | Breeding for host-plant resistance to pathogens and pests in banana |
5 | Sustainable Fusarium wilt (FW) management system |
6 | Risk assessment, diagnostic tools, predictive models, and strategy for disease surveillance |
7 | Use/availability of existing genetic diversity for (a)biotic stress and consumer acceptability |
8 | Rapid and enhanced genetic gains by diploid breeding |
9 | Reducing losses and expanding utilization of banana products and waste |
Subsequent to the workshop, small teams of resource persons worked on the further refinement of parameters. During this process, some of the research options were divided into sub-options that were assessed separately (for example, due to differences in timeframe, success probabilities, and/or because they were substitutes rather than complements). Not all of the nine identified research options were assessed under this study, mainly due to time constraints and unavailability of resource persons. Please refer to the Banana Priority Assessment Report for a detailed description of the research options