
The Yams of Konguan

The Yams of Konguan

Once upon a time two women, one very beautiful and one not so beautiful, were gathering wild yams in the ...
New portal for gender-responsive agricultural research for development

New portal for gender-responsive agricultural research for development

When it comes to agricultural systems, women and men don’t always see eye to eye. Their preferences, experiences, and the ...
The golden eggs that keep on giving

The golden eggs that keep on giving

Ask any child who is well versed in Aesop’s fables and you will learn that golden eggs can be a ...
Teaming up for more impactful breeding

Teaming up for more impactful breeding

Breeders, economists, gender specialists, and food technologists gathered to advance new approaches to breeding crop varieties that people will want ...
RTB crops surge in developing countries

RTB crops surge in developing countries

The production of root, tuber and banana crops (RTB crops) in developing countries has surged since 1960. A review recently ...
The RTB Toolbox: Building capacities for seed systems development

The RTB Toolbox: Building capacities for seed systems development

Twimanye Makoye is a commercial sweetpotato farmer in Bukombe District in Northwest Tanzania. He produces sweetpotato roots on about 14 ...
Tools4seedsystems: Building a better seed future, together

Tools4seedsystems: Building a better seed future, together

Toolbox for Working with Root, Tuber and Banana Seed Systems Join our launch: Tuesday, 2 March 2021, 15.00-16.00 East African ...
Review of CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas highlights outstanding achievements

Review of CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas highlights outstanding achievements

A review of Phase 2 (2017–2019) of the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB) has concluded that ...
Breaking through the 40% adoption ceiling: mind the seed system gaps

Breaking through the 40% adoption ceiling: mind the seed system gaps

A perspective from the  RTB Seed Systems Community of Practice The promise is that growing improved varieties will end hunger, ...
Quelles variétés de racines, de tubercules et de bananes (RTB) les agriculteurs et autres utilisateurs souhaitent-ils en Afrique, et comment les programmes de sélection peuvent-ils mieux répondre à leurs besoins ?

Quelles variétés de racines, de tubercules et de bananes (RTB) les agriculteurs et autres utilisateurs souhaitent-ils en Afrique, et comment les programmes de sélection peuvent-ils mieux répondre à leurs besoins ?

Il est extrêmement important de savoir quelles variétés sont adoptées et pourquoi, à la fois pour montrer la valeur des ...
Which varieties of roots, tubers, and bananas do farmers and other users want in Africa, and how can breeding programs meet their needs better?

Which varieties of roots, tubers, and bananas do farmers and other users want in Africa, and how can breeding programs meet their needs better?

It is critical to know which varieties are being adopted and why, both to show the value of investment in breeding and seed systems, but also to learn what ...
What have we learned about the Science of Scaling?

What have we learned about the Science of Scaling?

A research project may have all the requisites for solving a specific food security or nutritional challenge. Yet all too ...