RTB Innovation Catalog matches CGIAR innovations with partners who need them

In our blog A one-stop-shop for CGIAR innovations, posted last December, we announced the RTB Innovation Catalog, launched on 26 November 2021. Please access the Innovation Catalog here: https://innovation.mel.cgiar.org/#/.

The catalog describes 100 innovations from around the world, and it is designed to help different members of a partnership decide how to take an innovation to scale. Tracking the progress of the innovations helps to see if they have been a worthwhile investment, to promote them and get them off the shelf, and into the real world.


New brief on the catalog

A new brief on the Innovation Catalog stresses that new technologies are crucial, but reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) also depends on invest in scaling these innovations. To deploy new ideas faster, and to tailor them to suit local realities, the Catalog provides an overview of each innovation, including its scaling readiness. As the world’s leading agricultural research-and-development network, CGIAR has many innovations in different stages of readiness. This catalog will provide the framework for moving innovations off the shelf, and into the hand of farmers and other partners who need them.




This blog was written by Enrico Bonaiuti and Jeff Bentley. Thanks to all those who worked on the Innovation Catalog.

For more information on the Innovation Catalog, please contact Enrico Bonaiuti (E.Bonaiuti@cgiar.org).